Friday, September 5, 2008

A slow news day...

The art class went well. Allison drew "the sea, with two friend fish and a mean shark." The regular teacher is out of town for two weeks, so I guess the class is sort of low key until she returns. She had no problem whatsoever hopping off to the classroom without a backward glance at old mom. So to fill the time, I checked out an amazing knitting store a few doors down- Nevermind that I can't knit, I spent most of the class time just ogling the gorgeous yarn. They do offer knitting classes, and I can set my own time for the class- So hypothetically I could take a 30 minute class during Allison's 45 minute art class. Drop her off, head down the block, and be done and back before her class is over. Watch this space for my next hobby/obsession!